
Some contents might not ours, and they belong to their respective owner. All English translations and information are credited properly. If you wish to take out any information from here, please give credits (link back to Daisuki-Kingdom blog or to the original post) and never claim them as your works. Copying information without crediting is no better than stealing. Please don't be a thief.

I just wanna make this straight. Some contents in this blog are taken from their respective owner.We PUT THE CREDITS for them in the end of every posts or at the beginning.

If your were asking why we don't just give the original post to our twitter followers, then it will be very difficult for us to save every links. Just IMAGINE HOW MANY translations out there. That's why we gather them in our blog so we could easily give the link to our followers,and then if they want to, they could see who's post is that, who's the translator is, from the credits we gave in the post. So technically WE ARE NOT STEALING FROM THEMWe respect all 48Fans and all 48Supporters. 

And if you ask why don't we just translate it by ourselves? The question is, someone already did it so why we need to redo it? We respect their works so we spread it and give the credits to them.

Just for you to know. I don't want to offense anyone here. Just want to make this straight.

Thank you for your cooperation.