Thursday, May 30, 2013
Watanabe Miyuki's Blog Translation: 2013-05-28 01:24:32
11:58:00 PM
Miyuki-Blog, NMB48, Translations, Watanabe Miyuki
Watanabe Miyuki ameblo translation
2013-05-28 01:24:32
original entry
This is Watanabe Miyuki(。・ω・。)
Today, I had been shooting the whole time(o>ω<o)
I was wearing heels during the shooting
And I slipped on my shoes
My footfingers are in pain(;_;)
I cried when I read “Shiki no Zenjitsu” manga
This is not a shoujo manga, but
please recommend me shoujo manga (LOL)
After a long time, I want to read it again(*´∀`*)
Well then, oyasumirukii⌒(。∵。)⌒pyon♪
Original source of translation from:
Added by #MiyuPyon of Miyuki Daisuki