Saturday, June 29, 2013

Yagura Fuuko Blog Translation: 2013-06-25 01:39:00

Yagura Fuuko ameblo translation
2013-06-25 01:39:00
original entry

Good evening hello(*´ω`*)

East Japan Tour in Sendai

For the audiences in Sendai
Thank you so much!!

Because the audiences were getting exciting together with us
We had such amazing happy time(*´Д`*)

And beef tongue is also wonderful\(^ー^)/LOL

Before the concert, I wished that there are people who know about me
I was super duper happy when I saw people brought uchiwa or wore T-shirt of me(´;ω;`)

With this East Japan Tour, people who didn’t know me before became aware of my existence
They also gave comments on my blog and Google+(o>ω<o)

I’m super happy(*/ω\*)

But today, during the MC, I didn’t talk at all(´;ω;`)

I need to do self-introspection

Often in handshake event, before the event started
I said to myself “Do talk!"
At that time I thought “Yeah, I’ll speak more"(´・ω・`)

Last destination is NHK Hall!!

There won’t be any regret
I’ll enjoy it to the fullest o(`▽´)o



Everyone, how many minutes you need to take a bath~?

It takes so long for me
Definitely, it takes 30 minutes for me to have shower(..)

Original source of translation from:
Added by #MiyuPyon