Monday, July 1, 2013

Miyazawa Sae to Determine Her Position as Fully SNH48 Member!!

 Miyazawa Sae (22) stated her opinion about becoming a fulltime member of SNH48, as reported  in Yahoo News today, that she wants to be in Senbatsu Sousenkyo as a representative of SNH48 strength, regarding to her revoked position to become only concurrent member. Apparently, her action automatically made her not to be able to participate in Janken Tournament of 34th single this year. The question is, why is she "abandoning" AKB48?

It is said that in the previous SNH concert that was held on May 25th, Miyazawa couldn't participate because of some visa problem, but apparently some loud cheers from Chinese fans shouting and calling her name times, waken her up. Furthermore, there were a lot of fans calling her name in Japanese that made her powered up again.

The other factor was that Miyazawa hasn't mastered Chinese well, she made an effort to make a conversation to all members while still looking at the notes, because of this, she received a loud warm applause from everyone. Because of this, even a fan ws about to cry while cheering her up "Do your best as a fulltime SNH48 member."

In addition, her movement to become a fulltime SNH member makes up her presence to the "SNH48 Star Dream Theater" that is scheduled to open next month, though the performance would likely still far from Miyazawa's performance ever, her power of dedication could make everyone become strong and energetic.

Though the non-participation in this year's Janken Tournament as SNH48 upsets her, it seems that she get even more motivated from now on.

Translated from: Yahoo News Japan